Annex: AuboCaps API Overview
This document will provide a detailed introduction to the functions of various APIs. By reading this document, users can gain a comprehensive understanding of the aubo_scope API
system and better utilize these APIs during aubo_caps
1 Domain API
1.1 System API (systemApi)
: Retrieve the main software version.getMinVersion()
: Retrieve the minimum software version.getBugfixVersion()
: Retrieve the software bug fix version.getBuildNumber()
: Retrieve the internal software version number.getLocale()
: Retrieve the local language.getlocale for Programming Language()
: Retrieve the system's configured language.getUnitType()
:Retrieve the current system unit type.getSerialNumber()
: Retrieve the robot's serial number.isRealRobot()
: Return true if controlling a physical robot; false if simulated.
Retrieve the maximum joint radians position.
:Retrieve the maximum joint position.getJointMinPositions()
: Retrieve the minimum joint position.getJointDefaultVelocity()
: Retrieve the default joint speed.getJointDefaultAcceleration()
: Retrieve the default joint acceleration.getJointMaxVelocity()
: Retrieve the maximum joint speed.getJointMaxAcceleration()
: Retrieve the maximum joint acceleration.getTcpDefaultVelocity()
: Retrieve the default TCP speed.getTcpDefaultAcceleration()
: Retrieve the default TCP acceleration.getTcpMaxVelocity()
: Retrieve the maximum TCP speed.getTcpMaxAcceleration()
: Retrieve the maximum TCP acceleration.getTcpMaxDistance()
: Retrieve the farthest distance of TCP.getMaxPayloadMass()
: Retrieve the maximum payload mass.getMaxPayloadDistance()
: Retrieve the maximum payload distance.getHomeDefaultPosition()
: Retrieve the default home position.getHomePackagePosition()
: Retrieve the home paceage position.getRobotDhParams()
:Retrieve the robot's Dh parameters (linkage parameters).getMaxPower()
: Retrieve the maximum force.getMinPower()
: Retrieve the minimum force.getMaxMomentum()
: Retrieve the maximum momentum.getMinMomentum()
: Retrieve the minimum momentum.getMaxStoppingTime()
: Retrieve the maximum stop time.getMinStoppingTime()
: Retrieve the minimum stop time.getMaxStoppingDistance()
: Retrieve the maximum stop distance.getMinStoppingDistance()
: Retrieve the minimum stop distance.getMaxToolForce()
: Retrieve the maximum tool force.getMinToolForce()
: Retrieve the minimum tool force.getMaxElbowSpeed()
: Retrieve the maximum elbow speed.getMaxElbowForce()
: Retrieve the maximum elbow force.getMinElbowForce()
: Retrieve the minimum elbow force.getStandardDigitalInputConfigure()
: Retrieve the standard digital input configuration.getToolDigitalInputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Tool's digital input configuration.getConfigureableDigitalInputConfigure()
: Retrieve the configurable digital input configuration.getStandardDigitaloutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the standard digital output configuration.getToolDigitaloutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Tool's digital output configuration.getConfigureableDigitaloutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the configurable digital output configuration.getStandardAnalogoutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the standard analog output configuration.getToolAnalogoutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Tool's analog output configuration.getStandardAnaloginputConfigure()
: Retrieve the standard analog input configuration.getToolAnaloginputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Tool's analog input configuration.getStaticSafetyInputConfigure()
: Retrieve the input values for the safety system configuration.getStaticSafetyoutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the output values for the safety system configuration.getStaticLinkInputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Link input configuration.getStaticLinkOutputConfigure()
: Retrieve the Link output configuration.
1.2 Application API (applicationApi)
: Retrieve robot IO data.getFeatureModel()
: Retrieve robot environment coordinate system configuration information.getTcpModel()
: Retrieve all configurations for the robot tool center point.getPayloadModel()
: Retrieve configuration information for the robot end effector's valid payload.getVariableModel()
: Retrieve all program variables and expression information.getValueFactory()
: Create complex variables and expressions.getDeviceManager()
: Provide a device manager interface to access all registered devices.
1.3 User interface API (userInterfaceApi)
: Provide interfaces for requesting input functions, including:
getUserDefinedRobotPosition(): Prompts user to define robot pose and returns that pose;
getRobotThumb(): Gets robot thumbnail image;
getKeyboardInputFactory():Creates various types of keyboards;
requestUserToMoveJoint(): Moves joints according to user-requested pose
2 Installation API
The Installation API extends the Application API functionality. It includes all functionalities of the Application API and extends with the following:
: Providing script functions foraubo_scopet
: Creating, configuring, retrieving, and updating TCP.getFeatureContributionModel()
: Creating, configuring, retrieving, and updating Feature.getPayloadContributionModel()
: Creating, configuring, retrieving, and updating Payload.
3 Program API
Program API
serves the program nodes within the program domain. Program nodes may need to access system information about the robot (such as serial number, software versions), which involves accessing the System API
.Therefore, the Program API
provides an interface System API
for accessing thegetSystemApi()
. Program nodes may also require interactive functionalities with users, which involves accessing the UserInterface API
. Thus, the Program API
provides an interface UserInterface API
or accessing the getUserInterfaceApi()
Additionally, the Program API
offers functionalities that are meaningful only within the program domain:
: In this interface, the following functionalities are available.
getProgramNodeFactory(); //Create various types of program nodes (including those provided by registered plugins).
getTreeNode(ProgramNodeContribution *root); //Add, delete, and move child nodes in the program tree.
: Create and configure waypoint information.
: Record program node changes that can be undone.
4 Node Data
4.1 Program node
: Retrieve the unique identifier of the program node.getTitle()
: Retrieve the text to display for the program node in the program tree.getIcon()
: Retrieve the resource path for the icon to display for the program node in the program tree.configureContribution()
: Set configuration items for Contribution.createView()
: Create corresponding interfaces for the program node.createNode()
: Create Contribution for the program node.
4.2 Installation node
: Retrieve the name to display for the installation node on the interface.getIcon()
: Retrieve the resource path for the icon to display for the installation node on the interface.configureContribution()
: Set configuration items for Contribution.createView()
: Create corresponding interfaces for the installation node.createInstallationNode()
: Create Contribution for the installation node.
4.3 DataModel
: Retrieve the value corresponding to a specified key.set()
: Set the value corresponding to a specified key.getKeys()
: Retrieve all keys.remove()
: Remove a specified key-value pair.