Teach Pendant Control Panel Interface Description
1. Console Interface, Port 29999
The console interface can be used for:
• Loading and running programs • Powering on and releasing brakes • Querying robot status • Setting operating modes
Console Interface
load <program.pro>
Parameter: <program.pro>: Path to the program file
Return value: Success: • "Loading program: <program.pro>"
• "File not found: <program.pro>"(File not found)
• "Error while loading program: <program.pro>"(Error while loading program)
<program.pro>: Path to the program file
Interface Function: Load Program
load installation<default.ins>
Parameter: <default.ins>: Path to the configuration file Return value:
• "Loading installation: <default.ins>"
• "File not found: <default.ins>"(File not found) • "Error while loading installation: default.ins>"(Error while loading program) <default.ins>: Path to the program file
Interface Function: Load Program
Return value: Success: • "Starting program"
Failure: • "Failed to execute: play"
Interface Function: Run or continue running the program
Return value: Success: • "Stopped"
• "Failed to execute: stop"
Interface Function: Stop the program
Return value: Success: • "Pausing program"
• "Failed to execute: pause"
Interface Function: Pause the program
Return value: "Disconnected"
Interface Function: Disconnect
Return value:"Shutting down"
Interface Function: Power off, shut down the robot
Return value:
Running:"Program running: true"
Not running:"Program running: false"
Interface Function: Indicate whether the program is running
Return value: "Robotmode: <mode>", <mode>:
No_Controller(aubo_control process has crashed) Disconnected(not connected to the robot arm, or the robot arm's connector cable is disconnected)
ConfirmSafety(performing safety configuration in a powered-off state)
Booting(robot arm is powering on and initializing)
PowerOff(robot arm is powered off)
PowerOn(robot arm is powered on, brakes are still engaged, and initial joint states are not yet acquired)
Idle(robot arm is powered on, brakes are still engaged, motors are not powered, and initial joint states are acquired)
BrakeReleasing(robot arm is powered on, and brakes are being released)
BackDrive(Backdrive: brakes are released, motors are not powered)
Running(robot brakes are released, in running mode, control is handed over from hardware to software)
Maintaince(Maintenance mode: including firmware upgrades, parameter writing, etc.)
Error(mode error)
Interface Function: Returns the current status of the robot
get loaded program
Return value:
Success:"Loaded program: <path to loaded program file>"
Failure:"No program loaded"
<path to loaded program file>: Path of the loaded program file
Interface Function: Retrieve the name of the currently loaded program
popup <popup-text>
Parameter:<popup-text>Content to be displayed in the popup
Return value: "showing popup"
Interface Function: Display a popup window
close popup
Return value: "closing popup"
Interface Function: Close the popup window
addToLog <logmessage>
Parameter: <logmessage> Content to be added to the log
Return value: Success: "Added log message"
Empty message: "No log message to add"
Interface Function: Add information to the log
Return value:
Saved: "true <program.pro>"
Not saved:"false <program.pro>"
<program.pro>: Path of the program file
Interface Function: Check if the current program is saved
Return value:
"STOPPED" if no program is running
"PLAYING" if a program is running
"PAUSED" if a program is paused
Interface Function: Returns the current state of the program
Return value: Version number
Interface Function: Returns the version number of the upper-level software
set operational mode <mode>
Parameter: <mode>:manual(manual mode) automatic (automatic mode)
Return value:
Success: "Setting operational mode: <mode>"
Failure: "Failed setting operational mode: <mode>"
<mode>:manual((manual mode))
automatic( (automatic mode))
Interface Function: Set the operational mode
get operational mode
Return value:
"automatic"( (automatic mode))
"manual"((manual mode))
"disabled"(disabled mode)
Interface Function: Retrieve the current operational mode
clear operational mode
Return value:"operational mode is no longer controlled by Dashboard Server"
Interface Function: Disable the operational mode
power on
Return value:"Powering on"
Interface Function: Power on
power off
Return value:"Powering off"
Interface Function: Engage brakes and power off
brake release
Return value:"Brake releasing"
Interface Function: Release brakes
Return value:"Safetystatus: <status>", <status>:
FAULT(hardware or system failure)
NORMAL(normal operating mode)
PROTECTIVE_STOP(software-triggered stop: maintains trajectory, no brake, no power off)
RECOVERY(entered during startup if outside safety limits)
ROBOT_EMERGENCY_STOP(robot emergency stop: triggered by the control cabinet or teach pendant emergency stop button, outputs emergency-stop signal)
SAFEGUARD_STOP(IO-triggered safeguard stop: does not maintain trajectory, engages brakes, no power off) SYSTEM_EMERGENCY_STOP(system emergency stop: externally triggered, does not output emergency stop signal)
UNDEFINED(safety status is undefined)
VIOLATION(exceeded safety limits based on configuration, e.g., speed limits)
Interface Function: Retrieve the robot's safety status
unlock protective stop
Return value:
Success: • "Protective stop releasing"
• "Cannot unlock protective stop"
Interface Function: Release protective stop
close safety popup
Return value:"closing safety popup"
Interface Function: Close safety popup
load installation <default.ins>
Parameters:<default.ins>:Path to installation settings file
Return value:
• "Loading installation: <default.ins>"
• "File not found: <default.ins>"
• "Failed to load installation: <default.ins>"
<default.ins>:Path to installation settings file
Interface Function: Load installation settings file
restart safety
Return value:"Restarting safety"
Interface Function: When the robot enters "violation" mode, use this interface to close the safety popup and restart the interface board.
get serial number
Return value:Serial number
Interface Function: Get the robot's serial number
get robot model
Return value:Robot model + robot sub-model
Interface Function: Get the robot's model
generate flight report <report type>
This interface is not implemented.
generate support file <Directory path>
This interface is not implemented.
2. Console Interface Usage Examples
Examples of one-line commands executed in the pc-cmd terminal will connect to the console interface and return results directly at the pc cmd prompt.
Single Command Request:
echo y | plink root@ -pw bestcobot "{ echo "get robot model"; echo "quit"; } | nc 29999"
Multiple Command Requests:
echo y | plink root@ -pw bestcobot "{ echo "get serial number"; echo "get robot model"; echo "safetystatus"; echo "get operational mode"; echo "quit"; } | nc 29999"
If the request involves a more time-consuming task, the users may need to increase the delay between echoes.
If the users wants to write the response directly to a file for later use or record-keeping, they can enter commands as shown in the example below:
echo y | plink root@ -pw bestcobot "{ echo "get robot model"; echo "quit"; } | nc 29999" > my_dbs_response.txt
3. Console Interface Testing
For testing purposes, the users can use a test socket program such as HyperTerminal or similar software. Free software like SocketTest can also be used.
Set a static IP address and subnet mask on the PC to match the robot's settings.
Use the client tab to send commands to the robot.